Stories Behind the Songs

People Who Love You

People Who Love You emerged from an interest in family history and the stories families share. It’s hard to know what really happened in the past, and all that contributed to it. When living people suffer from stories about their ancestors, it can cause real harm. This song is about getting unstuck from the stories that no longer serve us, forgiving others, and living more in the present, all while honoring our ancestors.

This Black

This Black came from the experience of trying to let go of painful memories, feelings, and thoughts that had become deeply ingrained mental patterns. This is never easy, but it’s especially difficult in the middle of the night when we have no active control over our minds. It takes significant commitment to break through these patterns, but it is possible… especially when we uncover our inner power.

Sweet Seed

Sweet Seed started as an expression of feeling isolated and alone, which for many people was amplified during the 2020-2022 global pandemic. Sometimes these experiences motivate us to look inward though, for the comfort and peace we all need. That seed exists within each of us.

All My Life

All My Life is about the search to find true love and someone to journey through life with. It can be a long road with many challenges, but if that is one’s path, it can be a beautiful and worthwhile experience. The Bridge section lyrics, about seeing “two trees,” provided the inspiration behind this album's magical cover painting.


Entangled arrived in a fun way and has several levels of meaning. The first part appeared to be about couples getting caught in foolish drama loops. Two weeks later the aliens arrived... much to my surprise! This part expresses the sense that although everything is ultimately connected (on the deepest quantum level), I still can’t relate to the craziness of many Earthlings. Where am I actually from? What did I come here to do? Who am I really?

Time Changes Everything

Time Changes Everything is the newest song on this album. It captures the angst-creating reality of discovering that people you have known and loved, are not really who you thought they were. Everyone changes over time, and sometimes in irreconcilable ways. It can be sad for sure, but that’s how life seems to go.

The Ledge

The Ledge is a tender poem that arrived one afternoon fully intact. I wasn’t sure where it was going, so when the connection to someone feeling suicidal emerged, it shook me. Anyone can contemplate leaving this life... but reach out first. Feelings can certainly change as this album about transformation, and moving from darkness into the light, reveals.


Volcano came to me a long time ago when we were living as musicians on the island of Ibiza, Spain. The description of watching a volcano destroy the world was a shocker, since I had never seen an actual volcano yet! I knew then though, that Volcano was about the consequences of humans mistreating the Earth. At least now we are finally talking about climate change as a real threat that we must address.


Waitin’ came from knowing that so many of us are waiting for something to happen to (fill in the blank here... whatever you need). Time moves along whether we act or not though, and sometimes it feels like we’ve waited too long. But it’s never too late to step into your life!

My Way Back To You

My Way Back To You is a love song. There are ups and downs in any relationship, and it can be hard to navigate sometimes. Feelings are real, but we have to move through the hard ones for love to win out. Where there is love, we can find a way back to one another.